How is Adobe Sensei powering Adobe Commerce?

Matias Canobra
Matias Canobra

Do you know about the latest features Adobe Commerce has? Little by little, Adobe is offering more tools and potentialities to Adobe Commerce in aspects that were always considered weaknesses for the platform such as its live search functionality. Adobe Sensei helps you through artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to potentiate functionalities such as offering recommended products and live search results. Adobe Sensei is doing many things to enhance Adobe Commerce.

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Recommended products

It is a functionality powered by Adobe Sensei that Adobe Commerce offers in the Marketing section. Under the control panel you can find a dashboard that allows one to set up what to show and where to show it.  For example, one of the things that you can set up in the homepage is to display the most added to cart items, most viewed, most purchased, trending and recommended for you. If one has more than one site, one can choose the site where one wants to show itAs well, recommended products offers a preview of the information or the first result that the site is showing at the moment. It can be set up in different ways and the tool explains what each thing is. This is why then one can organize it by categories, prices, and so on. There is no limit on the classification, there can be as many categories as one wants. In addition to this, it provides a report on how many times the product has been seen or the visibility percentage.

There are many things that can be set up. If you are selling a product, an image, or anything that can be portrayed in an image, Adobe Sensei has the ability to compare images with images uploaded by the user and show you a result. Product recommendations are shown based on colour, size, and texture, or similar to the ones one has searched for, for example. If you have many recommendations in the same section, you can generate the position or which one has preference to be shown over the others.

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Live search

Live search has many different things to set up such as the tool Synonyms that consists of putting some words and assigning meaning to it. For example, when one searches for: suitcase, luggage or bag the search engine will show similar results. As well as this, Live search allows you to categorize the way items are displayed by rules, similarities, facets, and others, which Adobe Commerce did not have and now incorporated all this search engine based on Adobe Sensei’s search engine. Rules allow the possibility to set up or have better search results for your business.

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Making the most out of the new tools and possibilities Adobe Sensei offers is key to design and set up your Adobe Commerce site in a way that fits best with your strategy, your target audience, and allows you to achieve your commercial goals. Questioning what you want to prioritize, what is best for the kind of products you sell, or how you want your customer’s journey to advance is important when setting up recommended products, live search, searches based on images, and so on.