When you are looking for a software partner or a team of developers, designers, QA analysts, among others, you expect a qualified and professional team as well as to avoid having to take care of administrative tasks. To form a high-performance team for your company, we base on the People Experience concept, which is a model that focuses on people. This aims to guarantee a lasting team of professionals that will feel happy and motivated and will not leave the company while working on your project. This is related to a topic we delved into in a previous article in which we explained that satisfied collaborators perform better, faster and comply more with their schedules, you can read it here. The People Experience concept is a set of experiences, feelings and emotions that possible candidates who have not yet applied, those who have applied and are already part of the process, collaborators who work at the company, and ex collaborators who no longer work there have over the firm. This model includes different aspects and enables us to ask ourselves: How are we positioned as an employer brand? What image do people have about us? Do top talents want to work at our company? Are candidates informed about the firm’s value or culture in the interviews? We accompany collaborators all the way since we consider this is crucial, Sofía Acosta, HR Assistant at Onetree, believes that: “It is important for candidates and collaborators to know who to turn to if they have a doubt or if they need anything.”
To come up with the most adequate team, we define the roles we are looking for, the skills and knowledge required. We assign you a team of human resources that respond directly to you, use your emails, programs and systems. As we have an experienced and competent team as well as a recruiting structure with a defined process, we offer professionals that comply with the requested standards. When we present candidates or a team to you, it has already gone through the filters of our interviews and tests to hire them, and you do not have to worry about the technical and administrative aspects: infrastructure, equipment, salary paying, among others. We offer a speed reaction towards requests for new resources. If you need a resource we do not have at the company, we respond rapidly and can get people from the Uruguayan, Argentinian, and Colombian market. The fact that we are present in various countries offers you certainty towards the human resources we provide you with, since we have a legal structure, formal processes to pay salaries, provide equipment, technical support, among others. With the necessary skills and knowledge defined, we elaborate the job description and define the search strategy. We may contact possible candidates by a referral program, the corporate website, LinkedIn, or other portals such as GitHub or Reddit. From the People experience model, when we make the call, we show the company’s benefits and challenges for candidates, who have the chance to learn and grow at Onetree. We form the team according to your needs, with the amount of people, tools, resources who are good at the technologies you request.
For us, it is of high importance to build a bond of trust with collaborators, which means to make people who can add value to the company, fall in love with it. This is different from the concept that used to be used in the past: to ‘withhold’ collaborators, which earned rejection because of its association with the idea of holding the person against its will. Building trust and proximity with them means to make them love the company and choose to stay in it. To achieve this, Human Resources organizes recurrent activities to boost a positive atmosphere, which we do not only have already defined but constantly work to improve and update. Additionally, we make a big effort to maintain a pleasant atmosphere, to give each collaborator a personalized treatment, flexible schedules, and to make recreation and integration activities. This lowers attrition levels, which is really important to avoid losing performance, since collaborators go through a learning curve when starting to work for a new client or company. “Collaborator’s rotation impacts multiple areas of the organization. The first is the business’ general performance. When a good employee leaves the company and a less experienced one enters, the relationship with the client is compromised, since the quality the organization offers is modified” (Compensation Lab, 2019). Based on market investigation, Acosta concluded that the main reasons for leaving companies are the following. In the first place lack of growth opportunities, in the second place difference between salary expectations and salary received, in the third place lack of leader support, people feel their ideas are not being heard and they are not being considered, in the fourth place demotivation, and in the fifth place difficulties for balancing personal life with work. As we make an effort for our collaborators to feel good so that they stay and we assign our clients professional and committed resources, you have more certainty that they will not leave fast and without explanation. Even though it is impossible to reduce attrition levels to zero, because we cannot hold collaborators forever or against their will, we have managed to significantly improve our retention rate thanks to the efforts put up by our HHRR department.
We provide our collaborators with the necessary equipment and licenses for your project, comfortable office space to work as well as internet connection. You do not have to worry about solving all these aspects as if you would have to if you would hire each collaborator, we have got them covered. We have an infrastructure department in the company that helps and solves any problem our collaborators may have with their computer or internet connection, which is something you do not have to do if a developer, designer or QA analyst (or other professional) you hire has a technical problem. In addition to this, the Human Resources department is always supportive and at our collaborators’ disposal for any personal inconvenience they may have; which you do not have to take care of either. It is important for us that the assigned team is performing as good as you expect, so if there is a collaborator that is not doing so, we can change it without any extra charge. What is more, if you aim to train anyone in a skill or technology we already have professionals working on, you can lay on our team to do so. As a whole, we do not only provide our clients with human resources, but with the support of the rest of the company that resource is part of.
Our clients and projects vary, which means their needs also vary. Whether they need resources full time, part time, or time and materials modality (we assign them the necessary collaborator(s) and the worked hours are charged), we adapt to them. It is important for us to offer flexibility and provide you specifically with what you need, so that you do not lose time or money. You may have a team working full time but may need the partial support of a resource, such as if you require a designer to adjust something you already have on your digital product and only need them for a few hours or days, which we would do in time and materials modality.
For us, the priorities are to provide you with a professional, highly qualified, committed team adapted to your needs and to work with happy collaborators, which also boosts their commitment and enduring. The People Experience model is a tendency in Human Resources we consider really positive and intend to apply in the company, we continue to keep working on it. As well as we try to make collaborators fall in love with the company, we hope you fall in love with the performance offered on whatever we can help you with.
Compensation Lab (2019, 10 december). La rotación de personal, un reto pendiente para muchas empresas – CompensationLab by CEINSA. Compensation Lab. Recovered on 1 december 2021, from https://compensationlab.net/rotacion-de-personal/