Tag Archives: artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence: Unveiling it to understand and reflect

Image by Fiorella Nario, UI/UX Designer at Onetree Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing many aspects of our lives and making us reflect a lot. There are more and more tools emerging every day, there are talks about Artificial Intelligence in relation to other aspects: How does it relate to each discipline? How does it impact

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How to automatize fraud prevention using Machine Learning

A supreme audit institution needed to analyze situations of public purchases to detect the presence of fraud. Therefore, they thought of the possibility of developing an algorithm for fraud prevention. Towards this, we studied their different database tables and talked in depth with the client’s business’ areas that were experienced in this topic and understood

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Live Search: Artificial Intelligence as a new player in the game.

Live Search is Adobe Commerce’s new and improved search engine. It replaces ElasticSearch while introducing artificial intelligence features that can improve search results by considering each user’s context. In this article we will share our expertise for you to get to know Live Search as well as some tips and tricks for you to easily

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