Category Archives: Project Management

Enhanced Ecommerce: Data is your business’ gold

Enhanced Ecommerce (EEC) is a Google Analytics functionality, which gives companies an opportunity to get better insights in the shopping behavior of their users. When we compare EEC with standard Ecommerce implementation – the main advantage is that we get access to a lot of new valuable reports (Maxlead, 2017). This extra data allows companies

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Our sense of belonging: What is it and why does it translate into an added value for your projects?

After working with various projects, clients, and undergoing different processes, we distinguished something that implicitly happens in our teams and work dynamics that makes the difference on how we work and the results we achieve. This is the feeling of ownership towards the project, our sense of belonging with the client’s company. What does this

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Users involved in your projects’ processes make the difference

What is the most optimum way to carry your projects forward? We receive different types of projects, with varied characteristics and objectives. When it comes to UI/UX projects, our proposal to clients and the project’s approach has recently changed. This shift comes from learnings that our work experience with other clients left us, that did not

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