Category Archives: Engineering

Technical debt: Ally or adversary of Scalability?

When working on a team developing digital products, sometimes reality, business’ requirements, time and deadlines, code quality, and context’s demands do not go on the same path. Therefore, reconciling some aspects with others can be a challenge difficult to solve. Difficult, yet not impossible. On the one hand, the term ‘Technical debt’ refers to the

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Live Search: Artificial Intelligence as a new player in the game.

Live Search is Adobe Commerce’s new and improved search engine. It replaces ElasticSearch while introducing artificial intelligence features that can improve search results by considering each user’s context. In this article we will share our expertise for you to get to know Live Search as well as some tips and tricks for you to easily

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Users involved in your projects’ processes make the difference

What is the most optimum way to carry your projects forward? We receive different types of projects, with varied characteristics and objectives. When it comes to UI/UX projects, our proposal to clients and the project’s approach has recently changed. This shift comes from learnings that our work experience with other clients left us, that did not

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