Case Study


What if we could use technology to overcome your industry’s challenges?

UI UX Designs Android Development iOS Development QA


A team led by Stanford Medicine University aimed to mitigate the constant decrease of response rates in surveys used for medical research. As a possible solution, they evaluated the use of mobile applications to facilitate and motivate subjects to answer.


Our responsibility: The design and development of mobile applications for data collection including the definition for paradata anda data visualizations for researchers.

Everything had to be easy to use and safe by HIPAA compliance standards.

They aimed to evaluate the amount of repeated responses motivated through push notifications mechanism.

Data collection
Easy and safe to use
Push notifications


Monitoring responses easily

We built two mobile applications, for Android and iOS, and two monitoring dashboards to assess the amount of responses and subscriptions, as well as to evaluate the investment in advertising and the amount of app downloads.

The data for creating the dashboards was obtained from different sources:

Engagement through gamification

We developed and ran machine learning algorithms to improve the data analysis such as identifying geolocation patterns, new clusters, etc. The apps had gamification features to keep subjects motivated to complete the surveys.


The project had really positive outcomes. The apps helped improve response rates on surveys, and one of the monitoring dashboards allowed to compare the costs involved in answering through social media compared to traditional methods.


Reduced cost of downloading when using social networks vs. using the traditional ABS method.


Participants recruitment’s rate through social media was 3 times the traditional ABS method.


The survey response rate was twofold in comparison with methods previously measured.